Water and Sanitation

The general objective of the consultancy was to structure the water demand and loss management plan in 5 supply and sewage companies (group 1), in accordance with resolution 688 of 2014 of the CRA. The consultancy supported each company in classifying their water consumption and losses according to the Water Balance matrix proposed by the International Water Association (IWA). Based on this knowledge ITAC formulated a detailed action plan in order to reduce water losses and improve water management.

The main objective is to expand the dataset on water and sanitation services in the Middle East and North Africa, complementing the data already collected by the World Bank. This contract includes data collection for the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Egypt.

The general objective of the consultancy was to structure the water loss and demand management plan in 5 supply and sewerage companies (group 1), in accordance with resolution 688 of 2014 of the CRA. The consultancy supported each company in classifying their water consumption and losses according to the Water Balance matrix proposed by the International Water Association (IWA). Based on this knowledge, ITAC formulated a detailed action plan in order to reduce water losses and improve water management.
The overall objective of the project was to formulate a Disaster Risk Management Plan (DRMP) to improve the coverage and provision of water and basic sanitation services in urban areas and enhance the operational efficiency of service providers in the municipalities of Tumaco and Guapi. To achieve this, the project aimed to prioritize hazard zoning, create risk scenarios related to these hazards, and develop a risk reduction and disaster management process.

El suministro de agua de la ciudad capital de Córdoba depende de dos plantas de agua, Suquia ubicada en el noroeste y Los Molinos, ubicada en el sur. Debido al incremento de la población de la Provincia de Córdoba, la demanda de agua se había incrementado. Esto provocó una necesidad urgente de mejorar e incrementar el suministro de agua en la Provincia. IFC identificó la necesidad de ayudar a la Provincia de Córdoba en la mejora y expansión de la Planta Potabilizadora de Agua de Los Molinos.
The objective of the consultancy is to carry out a pilot project for integrated urban water management, specifically focusing on the component of stormwater management and urban drainage in the municipalities of Tumaco and Guapi, located on the Colombian Pacific coast. The pilot project to be developed will serve as the foundation for the formulation of methodological tools that facilitate, particularly at the regional and local levels, the planning, definition, feasibility, development, and sustainability of comprehensive Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) plans and/or programs. This will take into account factors such as population size, territorial planning plans, and all aspects related to legal, institutional, regulatory, technical, financial, environmental, and social considerations.

Supporting the Technical Body for the Administration of Sanitation Services (OTASS) in the implementation of the modernization program, with special attention to improving the performance of Service Providing Companies (EPS), through the formulation of a business planning methodology and the development of business plans for EPS in selected cities (Cusco, Arequipa, and Pucallpa). Assisting the Water Sector Modernization Program by identifying actions to improve water and sanitation services in selected cities, which may include changes in management models, institutional arrangements, and investments, to achieve long-term technical, economic, social, and environmental sustainability.

El objetivo del proyecto fue prestar asistencia técnica al Departamento de Obras Públicas y Carreteras, y otras entidades clave en la implementación del Programa Nacional de Alcantarillado y Gestión de Residuos Capacitar a las entidades, gobiernos locales, municipalidades y otros entes relevantes en la implementación del programa que:
Permitirá cumplir con los objetivos de la Clean Water Act (CWA)
Demostrar la aplicación y recomendar estrategias y opciones para conseguir los objetivos del programa.
Capacitar a las entidades en la implementación del programa.
El programa se llevó a cabo en las ciudades altamente urbanizadas. Con más de 700.000 habitantes y que incluyen Metro Manila (con una población de más de 11 millones).
Permitirá cumplir con los objetivos de la Clean Water Act (CWA)
Demostrar la aplicación y recomendar estrategias y opciones para conseguir los objetivos del programa.
Capacitar a las entidades en la implementación del programa.
El programa se llevó a cabo en las ciudades altamente urbanizadas. Con más de 700.000 habitantes y que incluyen Metro Manila (con una población de más de 11 millones).
Water and Sanitation